Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Beach

The beach, for the most part, is a place to go during the summer to beat the heat and do something fun with some
friends. That's the typical reason...I'll share with you mine.

If you haven't figured it out by now with all my talk of nature and stuff, I love the Earth and all its beauties and hopefully will see of much of that beauty as I can before my life comes to an end. Currently I'm in Rochester, NY laying on a green towel, smoking a red hookah with a Peacoat on and a great person to hang with. Looking into the infinite ocean you realize what the world really has to offer. Working the 9-5 jobs, paying bills, and going to school can sometimes hinder you from stopping and really looking at the world we inhabit. None of the things that we have today, computers included, would be possible unless the world didn't provide us with the materials possible for it.

Looking at the ocean's movements...its push and can escape for a moment and visualize all the mysteries and amazement that awaits for you past the horizon...beyond the sunset...beyond your daily thoughts. Expand your world...your creativity...your mind.

As I write this on my iPhone I can see the sunset...and the moonrise. I can see the world shift from day to night. The sky to the west is painted with orange, yellow, red and pink. The sunset dims the sky for the rise of the blood moon. In the east the moon, dark red works its way up higher into the sky with each passing minute...becoming lighter in color with each second. I am truly watching life...and that it what the beach is to me...a movie theater for life beauties.

Mobile Blogging from here.

1 comment:

  1. niiice siir... u shoulda put a pic of the vision that is the most beautiful thing to me seein the sunset so right it lights the moonrise thru the clouds...amazing
