Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is Evil Real?

DISCLAMER: This is kind of a disturbing story...but it's based on a true event.

     Red and blue lights illuminate the dark night and sirens wail as cop cars are in high speed pursuit with a man holding his wife and child hostage. They rush down the highways with no regard for human life, swerving in and out of traffic. The man, tightly holding the steering wheel with both hands, catches the falling drops of sweat with his arms with each sharp jerk to avoid the cars he is blowing past. His teeth clenched, adrenaline racing, and mind a mess with his wife screaming bloody murder in the seat adjacent to him and his baby boy crying his soul out in the seat behind him. A man solely responsible for creating fear and panic in those he loves has gone off the deep end and threatened the life of his “bitch” of a wife. The man, confused and panicked, pulls off the highway, but the back of his car hits a rail just before an exit sending his car into a tailspin. The cops see this and slow down, keeping away from the weaponized spinning car, and hope that when it comes to a stop, everyone will be ok. The man’s out of control car falls into a ditch with amazing speed and glass breaks, the car flips, rolls, and comes to a crashing halt. The police rush to the aid of the assumed injured people, but it was their worse fear. The man had done what he meant to do in the first place; he killed his wife. The wife, in the passenger seat, had been killed by the force of the destructive crash and had the look of fear burned into her lifeless face. The man was unconscious, but he was alive and in critical condition and was taken away by EMS. “Where is the baby?” said officer #1. The police knew that a baby was in the car with the man and his wife, but he was no longer in the car. Obviously the baby was incapable of leaving on his own, so where could he have gone? The police search the surrounding area with no luck. Officer #2, just as farfetched, leaned against a tree adjacent to the man’s destroyed car, and pondered the location of this missing infant. Not two seconds later, the officer felt rain drops coming down, but they were a little warmer and heavier than what he normally associates with rain. He looks at his face and arm, and the rain is red. He jerks his head upward and sees the devilish shadowy outline of the bare October trees but no rain, no magic cloud, nothing. He takes out his oversized flashlight, turns it on and illuminates the shadows. He slowly creeps the bright light up the tree he was leaning on, seeing nothing but cold frosted bark. He creeps up even more to the claws of the shady tree, and his stomach backflips, his saliva disappears, and his heart begins to hurt. He says nothing and stares into the tree and his eyes redden and build tears as his face weakens and begins to sink. Officer #1 sees the distraught officer and wonders what’s wrong. He follows the beam of light emanating from officer #2’s flashlight right into the heart of the tree. There he saw something that would remain in his memories forever; the baby was skewered into the tree. The baby had been chucked from the open rear window, during the tailspin and barrel roll, and was impaled by this now infamous tree. Officer #2 dropped his flashlight, ran to the fire truck that came with EMS and screamed for a ladder. With a ladder setup, officer #2 hurriedly went up the tree and reached the baby. Unlike the mother, the baby looked peaceful in his eternal sleep. With his face blue from the cold, his tears frozen to his little cheek, and a bloody hole in his little chest, officer #2 carried the baby down sobbing. EMS took the baby from the officer and sped away in the ambulance, but he had already been dead for too long. Officer #1 comforted officer #2 but nothing could take away that horrible image…nothing. Now ask yourself, does evil exist in the world?